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tRAININGs & webinars
Have a Look at Our Latest tRAINING PROGRAMS
We know the importance of good training programs and how it affect the level of excellency of your medical staff, so we present a full training program to companies and for individuals who seek a professional training path.
- Introduction to Bacterial diseases in Poultry
- Introduction to viral disease in poultry
- Introduction to parasitic disease in Poultry
- Respiratory Diseases in poultry
- GIT Disease in poultry
- Coccidosis in poultry
- Vaccination program for Broilers
- Vaccination program for Layers
- Vaccination application and Failure
- Bio-security
- Using of Medicated feed additive in Poultry
- Antibiotic and its using in poultry Industry
- Introduction to Bacterial diseases in Ruminant
- Introduction to viral disease in Ruminant
- Introduction to parasitic disease in Ruminant
- Introduction to Bacterial diseases in Pets
- Introduction to viral disease in Pets
- Introduction to parasitic disease in Pets
- Vaccination in Pets
Check Now our latest Training event:

Management of productive business for poultry slaughterhouses
tHE FEEDBACK OF the newly graduated veterinarians after their first TRAINING COURSE
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