Four Companies from BiH Obtain Licenses to Export Poultry Meat to EU

BOSNIA & HERZEGOVINA – The Inspection Team of the Directorate for Food, Health, Analyzes and Audits of the European Union (formerly FVO) granted the license to BiH companies Madi, Ovako, Brovis and Agreks for the export of poultry meat and products to the EU market.

BOSNIA & HERZEGOVINA – The Inspection Team of the Directorate for Food, Health, Analyzes and Audits of the European Union (formerly FVO) granted the license to BiH companies Madi, Ovako, Brovis and Agreks for the export of poultry meat and products to the EU market.


Inspectors visited the aforementioned four facilities that currently have the capacity to export to the European Union, namely companies Madi, Ovako, Brovis, and Agreks, and there are some other companies in circulation in the near future.

SarajevoTimes reports that the aim was to check the functioning of the system of official controls in the poultry sector. The inspection also visited the competent ministry and the Veterinary Office of BiH.

BiH could reach a large European Union market with its poultry products in the upcoming months, which would ultimately affect the increase in the number of workplaces in that sector, as well as the overall economy of our country.

Earlier, Minister of Foreign Trade and Economic Relations of BiH Mirko Sarovic said that BiH is a country with large potential when it comes to this type of production and that we have many companies that are investing in this industry.

“Our companies are generally export-oriented, and therefore we are hoping that we will get a positive rating again this time, as it was the case with milk and dairy products,” said Minister Sarovic.

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