3000 Poultry Farms Operating in Afghanistan

AFGHANISTAN – Afghandost is the only supplier capable of offering a wide range of solutions to the country’s poultry sector.

AFGHANISTAN – Afghandost is the only supplier capable of offering a wide range of solutions to the country’s poultry sector.

The Afghan processing and packaging company has always made efforts to prevent importing of chicken meat and eggs, instead striving to produce quality products with the lowest prices throughout the country.

The company’s head, Ahmad Shah Ahmadi told The Kabul Times, “We had imported chicken meet and eggs for fifteen years, but then we decided to establish a poultry farm in Afghanistan.

“We have started our activity in four sections using standard norms. We have also employed 300 people in our company.

“By establishing the poultry farms, chicken meat imports have decreased by 70 per cent and we are making an effort to cover the entire country.

“The farm has 100,000 hens, through which we receive 80,000 to 90,000 eggs on a daily basis.

“We are making an effort to produce poultry feed using standard norms.

“There are three types of machineries in our company – one is related to feed, the next one is for slaughter and the third one is to remove odours from the farm.

“Annually, we produce 250 tons and we are very glad in that respect and we are aiming for a higher level of production next year.”






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